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Top 10 Weight Loss Tips

You never know until it’s too late; you’ve gained plenty and now you want to lose it. Can’t figure out what to do? Here are some tips that should put you in the right track.

No 10. Before and After photos

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Taking ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos to illustrate your progress is a great way of encouraging yourself. When you compare the two, you will definitely like the new slim trim you. And that should keep you going in the right direction.

No 8. Do not skip meals

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Eating in small amounts frequently throughout the day helps to balance your body’s calorie level. It also keeps you blood sugar level in check. Skipping meals can negatively affect your overall health. Research has revealed that skipping 2 meals in favor of 1 big meal leads to potentially risky metabolic changes. Researchers found out that those who skip meals had elevated glucose levels and delayed insulin response. These conditions, if persist for long enough, could lead to diabetes.

No 7. Go for fresh food

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Avoid packaged and processed food as much as possible. Infact, packaged food is partly blamed for obesity around the world. Processed food contains all kinds of chemicals you can think of and is extremely dangerous for your health and weight.

Processed foods carry none or very few nutrients, although, they are rich in calories. The body searches for nutrients and when finds none, it preserves the calories, body refuses to burn them and these calories eventually turn into fat.

No 6. Reason your overeating

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Overeating is the mother of all weight problems, without a doubt. Whenever you overeat, try to find out the reason behind it. You cannot just be overeating out of fun. Overeating is often triggered by stress, boredom, loneliness, anger, depression and other emotions. Learning to deal with your emotions is a good way of abstaining from overeating. Overeating can be treated via your psychologist, who can help you in managing your emotions and tweaking your habits.

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No 5. Don’t cut out everything you like

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Don’t deprive yourself of your favorite food. Make it a habit to reward yourself with your favorite dish whenever you achieve your short-term goal. If you try to cut out everything from your food menu, the only thing that is going to happen is that you are going to fall out of your weight loss program back into your old diet. In short, eat everything, but take great care of the quantity and the frequency.

No 4. Change your lifestyle

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Don’t change your diet, change your dietary lifestyle. Doing so, is a way of putting yourself in for a longer term. Changing your diet will only provide weight loss for a short time; you’ll lose weight only to gain it a few months later.

Learn to eat vegetables, fruits and whole grains. They reduce fat and calories in diet. In short, you have to get used to taking in fewer calories than you did before if you are to have any chance of remaining fit and healthy for a long time.

No 3. Food journal

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Keeping a food journal will help you pan out your eating pattern and behavior. Write everything down on it. What you eat, how much you eat, when did you eat, you hunger levels, your feelings about eating, everything! Whenever you find a problem with your plan, you can come back to you journal and correct things up. You can identify what caused you to overeat and you can make healthy modifications to your lifestyle in the process.

No 2. Exercise

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What can be more useful in burning extra calories and reducing fat than exercise?

30-60 minutes of physical exercise is recommended for a healthy living. Getting into the exercise habit might be difficult, but once you focus yourself and commit to it, you’ll find exercise rather enjoyable. Lifting weights in addition to any physical activity can greatly increase you fat burning capacity. Going to a walk, taking part in local sports or joining the gym, they are all equally good once you become a regular.

No 1. Don’t give up

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The most important rule for weight loss; never ever give up. You are not going to lose weight overnight, so be ready for the good days as well as the bad days. Keep going on, learn from your mistakes and modify your plan according to your daily feedback. Try to relax and don’t be obsessed about losing weight. You are eventually going to lose it, provided you don’t lose your head in the process.

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