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Top 10 Oddest Phobias

Describes as an “irrational, intense and persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things, animals or people” by Wikipedia, approximately 1 in every 23 people suffer from phobias (according to Phobia Statistics). 20 percent of these phobias disappear on their own in adults, whereas, the remaining have to be treated. Today we list the top 10 oddest phobias.

No 10. Pteronophobia

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Any guesses what this is? It is the fear of being tickled by feathers. Yes, and it can  develop due to many reasons; like when a baby is tickled by feathers he might feel trapped and this can lead to Pteronophobia during the later years.

No 9. Taphophobia

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While this wasn’t totally irrational before the advancement to modern medicine, it is now. It is the fear of being buried alive. There are many cases in history of people being buried alive because of lack of adequate medical techniques for finding out whether a person was actually dead or, say suffering from paralysis. If you are afraid of being buried alive, then ask your family members to bury you in a safety coffin so you can let them know if you delay your trip to the heavens.

No 8. Triskaidekaphobia

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Related to fear of Friday the 13th, this is the fear of number 13 itself. If you are Triskaidekaphobic then fear not because Adolf Hitler was also one. Number 13 is usually regarded as bad luck in the west, whereas most east-asian countries are tetraphobic; fearful of number 4!

No 7. Chemophobia

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The name tells the story; the fear of chemicals. Chemophobics think that the “artificial” chemicals are way more dangerous than the “natural” ones. Truly an irrational fear considering that even water is a chemical and some chemicals that you consume daily are more dangerous than the ones that are being produced in that “industry of dangerous artificial chemicals”.

No 6. Ephebiphobia

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If you are young, especially if you are in your teens then keep a look out for Ephebiphobics. Earlier known as “fear and loathing of teenagers”, it is now more broadly considered as psychological and social fear of youth. It arises from stereotypical thinking about the youth as unprincipled or immoral.

No 5. Scopophobia

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It is the fear of being looked at. Scopophobics tend to avoid public places such as shopping malls, markets and other large gatherings. Performing daily work can become a difficult task as if the sufferer for examples while watering his garden perceives someone staring at him or even looking at him, he will experience an immense feeling of fear and uneasiness and will want to run away from the situation as soon as and as far as possible.

No 4. Coulrophobia

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It is an exaggerated fear of clowns. It is found in children, teenagers as well as adults but mostly children suffer from it as they tend to absorb the effects of a negative portrayal of a clown more deeply than teenagers and adults. While adult sufferers know that this fear is completely illogical, it is still impossible for them to get rid of it unless properly treated.

No 3. Nomophobia

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Opinions wary as to naming it a phobia, but we list it nevertheless. It is fear of being out of mobile contact. Well, to check whether you are a nomophobic or not, try turning your cell phone off for one whole day and observe whether you are anxious and stressed or not. This phobia can also be triggered in a no-network area because in today’s culture of around the clock connectivity it is really impossible for some to even think about being out of touch, whether it’s from friends and family or from work.

No 2. Ergasiophobia

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This is fear of work. It can render many people ineffective and penniless in extreme cases. Sufferers might feel anxiety about the workplace and its environment. This fear can in turn be a combination of many other fears, such as fear of failure to meet a deadline and fear of socializing with your colleagues.

No 1. Papaphobia

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No, this is not the fear of your father, it is fear of the Pope. While millions of people turn to him for blessings, there are some who dread his appearance. Its symptoms can range surprisingly from increased heart rate to sweating and from nausea to shortness of breath. Furthermore it can also include fear of the Roman Catholic Church as whole…

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