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Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be high, well if you are not on to drugs of course, then you can try these MP3s to have the experience. Known as digital drugs, these sounds alter brainwaves to induce a state of narcotic-like ecstasy or so as it is claimed. Here are some binaural beats to get you going. Keep in mind that this is not a ‘top x’ list. Do leave a comment about how ‘high’ you felt though.
But first here is a video piece that gives some serious substance to these so-called digital drugs:

No 10. Alpha – Theta BN by Binaural Reality – Theta BN by Binaural Reality

No 9. Icelandic Volcano Eyjafjallajökull run off: Seljalandsfoss Waterfall by BinauralAirwaves Volcano Eyjafjallajökull run off: Seljalandsfoss Waterfall by BinauralAirwaves

No 8. Binaural Dreams by Rinku Kokiri Dreams by Rinku Kokiri

No 7. Elevator to Escalator (Binaural recording) by surround2011 to Escalator (Binaural recording) by surround2011

No 6. Subliminal Journey by nikthinks

No 5. Mind Trip trippy journey by JezebelDecibel

No 4. Infinite Bliss Unisonic Ascension

No 3. Translucent Unisonic Ascension

No 2. Air Unisonic Ascension

No 1. Perceptual Elements Unisonic Ascension



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